Two years ago I wrote an excited post on Cinehound because Efren C. Pinon's cool Filipino horror movie THE KILLING OF SATAN was finally being released on DVD. Unfortunately, it turned out it was a bootleg. A crappy bootleg I might add. So I began looking, and looking, and looking (and this is almost beginning to sound like one of Patrick's "I can't find that one tape which will make my hobo life complete" posts, haha) and for a long time to no avail.
But now, finally, two years down the line, I've finally got this much desired US NTSC video release of THE KILLING OF SATAN. Complete with the original intact cardboard box. YAY!! (well, that is I haven't actually got it yet as I only won it this afternoon). And mind you I almost lost it. I'd made a bid earlier today and then went off to a dinner party, came back this evening, forgot all about the auction, turned on the computer and saw the truly devastating eBay notification in my e-mail inbox: "You've been outbid, motherfucker!"!!! I clicked the link and it said 50 seconds left!!!!! Mein gott, I've never made a bid THAT quickly before! But all turned out fine and I made it just in time (I think it was about 10 seconds before closing time). I had won my golden nugget. xD
My apologies to whoever poor sod out there who thought he got it made. Haha.
I don't have a good scan of the NTSC tape other than the eBay one but here's a good scan of the Dutch release. Click the cover for proper size.

Andrew Leavold's brief review from the Filipino edition of FHM from last year:
Greatest Pinoy Christian Gore Film: The Killing Of Satan (dir. Efren C. Pinon, 1983) On the surface a delirious Catholic horror - Ramon Revilla as a Jesus figure squaring off against a red-stockinged Satan! – but with much deeper roots in pagan folklore, and brimming with startling, primordial snake imagery.
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