Tuesday 7 July 2009

At a snail's pace

Hey friends, sorry it's been a while since I've updated here. If you read my post from about a month ago you'll know why I was away for a while, and lately I've been spending time over on my other blog. Those of you (both here and the other blog and otherwise) who haven't received an reply from me please bare with me. I WILL get back to you.

I'll get cracking here soon and lemme tell ya I'm happy that so many check this place! During the last month I've had readers from all over the world, not just from the English speaking world and Europe but also from places such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, India, Japan, Zambia, Guam, Congo - Kinshasa, former Soviet countries, and many more. Most readers have come from the USA, UK, Sweden and Russia!! Thanks for reading and do keep checking in from time to time. Cheers.



  1. Well, I always peek in to see what's new! Hope all is well!

  2. Thanks, Nick. Emotionally I'm still a bit down (on my blog Bert commented it usually takes a full year!) but physically I'm alright. I hope you're getting better, too.


Yes, we have a comment filter now! It seems most comments these days come from shit spammers in India so there you go.