Monday 4 January 2010

Nice start

Hope you entered 2010 in a grand way. xD

I just won this: Fred Williamson's BLACK COBRA 3 (aka Cobra Nero 3, 1990)!! I know, I know, don't tell me; it's also released on DVD but this is a very nice letterboxed Japanese video tape!! xD

Actually all three films are out in several different DVD releases and there's even a couple of boxes that contain all three films (I'm not counting the unrelated fourth entry here as it was part of the series in aka-name only, according to Paul & Co's book "Tough to Kill"). One of the boxes is out from the Alpha label which surely means it's GOT to be a high quality release!! (aargh, like NOT!). Do any of you know which versions to get? Are any of them letteboxed? I have the first film on Danish VHS but it's fullscreen.


  1. Hi Jack have the first film in W/S.

    I got all 3 in a very cheap set called Strike of The Cobra - full screen prints, but nice apart from part 2, which - I kid you not - rewinds the last 5 minutes of the film and replays it!!

  2. Hi there unknown person,

    Of course!! Why didn't I think of Lefteris and Trash-online!! Thanks.

    Yeah, someone else also told me about that set and said the films were practically unwatchable. I don't know if he meant all 3 or what but I'll stay away from that release that's for sure. Thanks again.


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